Lighthouse for Older Adults
Engage Magazine Fall 2020 Technology

Lighting Pathways to Digital Literacy in Senior Housing

by Robin Douglas, Robin Douglas Creative Services, LLC From ordering medication online to buying groceries or connecting with friends and family, the internet has become a critical survival tool today. Yet millions of low-income older adults in the U.S. lack the basic digital literacy skills they need due to barriers to access, affordability and training. Read More…

NORC Senior Housing
Affordable Senior Housing Engage Magazine Fall 2020 General Interest

Remaking Senior Housing & Care to Serve Baby Boom Consumers in the COVID-19 Era

by Caroline F. Pearson, Senior Vice President, NORC at the University of Chicago, and Jerry Doctrow, Principal, Robust Retirement, LLC You have read the headlines and heard the conference presentations: “Baby Boomers want to stay in their homes as they age.” However, a 2019 NORC-LeadingAge survey found that 40 percent of older Baby Boomers said they Read More…

LGBT Older Adults
Engage Magazine Fall 2020 General Interest

LGBTQ Older Californians: Building a More Equitable Aging Future

by Michael Adams, Chief Executive Officer, SAGE As we look to the future and consider what steps we need to take to build aging equity for older adults in California, the realities and needs of particularly vulnerable populations must be high on our collective radar screens. One such population is LGBTQ older adults. There are Read More…