SB 611 (Caballero, D-Salinas) and SB 623 (Jackson, D-Santa Barbara) Approved on 11-0 Vote

The LeadingAge California sponsored bill, SB 611, was heard in the Senate Housing Committee on May 22, 2019. LeadingAge California Member Geoffrey Morgan, President & CEO of First Community Housing testified in support of the bill. He was joined by Pamela Austin, a resident of an Eskaton affordable senior housing community.
When enacted, SB 611 would require the Governor to establish a task force to identify policy solutions on issues impacting older adults related to homelessness, risk of homelessness or potential institutionalization. Specifically, the bill does the following:
- Assess the need for affordable senior housing,
- Identify current housing programs that can bring housing and services together to benefit residents,
- Identify best practices and regulatory barriers to developing affordable senior housing in the state,
- Make recommendations to the Governor and the Legislature
LeadingAge California’s second sponsored housing bill this year, SB 623, was also heard in the Senate Housing Committee. This bill would clarify that, in order to determine the proportion of funds that are available for senior citizens, the Department of Housing and Community Development shall use the most recent American Community Survey (ACS) or successor survey conducted by the United States Census Bureau, instead of the decennial census. This bill would require the total assistance calculation calculated under the Multifamily Housing Program use the ACS.
Both bills were approved by the committee unanimously and will next be heard in the Senate Appropriations Committee.