by Jeannee Parker Martin, President and CEO, LeadingAge California This has been an exciting year thus far for LeadingAge California with some major accomplishments in the first half of the year. We launched our DEI Roadmap, a guide to help all members and other stakeholders integrate a focused approach to diversity, equity and inclusion in Read More…
Summer 2022
Health Reimagined: Update on Goal 2 of the Master Plan for Aging
A Q&A with Amanda Lawrence, Project Director for California’s Master Plan for Aging What are the building blocks for today’s Californians to achieve healthy aging? Aging is changing. So are the needs, concerns, and opportunities for older adults. Not only are we living longer than we were 20 years ago, but the diversity of older Read More…
The Eight Dimensions of Wellness
By Catherine Graham, Employee Wellness Coordinator, Eskaton The Eskaton Employee Wellness Program recognizes that a person’s wellness is multi-dimensional, with eight distinct areas that are co-dependent upon each other for a person to feel “complete” or “whole.” The eight dimensions are emotional, physical, occupational, social, spiritual, intellectual, environmental, and financial. If any one of these Read More…
The Impact of Cultural Competency on Healthy Aging
By Joshua T. Smith, Ph.Dc, Director of DEI, LeadingAge California Despite the modern advancements that endeavor to simplify human existence, human identity remains a complex, multifaceted discovery. The intersections of heritage, sex, gender, race, religion, ability, etc., will provide profound insights into how humankind has developed and its trends toward the future. Diversity, Equity, and Read More…
Global Aging: A Conversation with AARP International
While many are familiar with AARP’s work in their communities and across the United States, some may be surprised to learn that AARP has a robust international presence. We chatted with Dr. Vijeth Iyengar – AARP’s Director of Global Aging – on issues around global aging. Tell us about the primary goals of AARP International. Read More…
Creating Joy at Work
By Katie Wade, Senior Director of Creative Engagement, and Jessica McCracken, Director, Covia’s Creative Spark By now, you’ve noticed that you aren’t the same person you were before the pandemic and global events of the past two years. Perhaps you’ve taken inventory of the physical and emotional toll that you, your loved ones, coworkers, and Read More…