Offered through endorsed service provider, Gallagher, LeadingAge California members now have the opportunity to access quick and easy COVID-19 screening tests at a discount. Helping organizations and senior communities to monitor the symtomology associated with COVID-19, the Bluestone Safe App provides efficient, evidence-based testing to reduce costs and help get employees back to work.
“Collection of saliva samples by patients themselves negates the need for direct interaction between health care workers and patients. This interaction is a source of major testing bottlenecks and presents a risk of nosocomial infection. Collection of saliva samples by patients themselves also alleviates demands for supplies of swabs and personal protective equipment,” says Anne L. Wyllie, Ph.D., Yale School of Public Health.
LeadingAge California association members can purchase the discounted test kits in groups of 50 at $126 each. The kits then be distributed to employees and residents upon need. Using the FDA approved SARS-CoV-2 Saliva tests, the individual simply spits into the FDA approved tube provided and ships it using the FedEx expedited shipping label included in the kit. Results are delivered to both the community and the employee/resident with 90% of test results available within 24-hours and 100% are guaranteed within 48-hours of arriving at the lab. Symptom results are pushed out via a HIPAA compliant dashboard as well as through SMS messaging and private push notifications. The saliva tests through Bluestone are 100% sensitive with results in 24 hours making it among one of the best in the market.
For more information on this new LeadingAge California discounted member program offered through Gallagher, contact:
Justin Leech, Human Capital Consutant, Senior Living Practice at 916-827-0639 or Justin_Leech@ajg.com or Kevin Veitia, Area Senior Vice President, Senior Living Practice, kevin_veitia@ajg.com or 559-967-2048.
Learn More: www.leadingageca.org/testing