Strategic Foresight
Engage Magazine Spring/Summer 2021

What’s Next? Using Strategic Foresight to Proactively Create and Work Towards a Preferred Future

by OLIVIA MASTRY, JD, MPH, COLLECTIVE ACTION LAB We have reached a new horizon in which many organizations are lifting their gaze from the immediate challenges of COVID-19 and asking, now what? For many, this means taking stock of side-lined strategies and asking, what is still relevant and what requires change? Before diving in with Read More…

person centered care
Engage Magazine Spring/Summer 2021

Relationships with Younger Generations Are Key to Resident Wellness

by Fahad Aziz, Co-founder and CTO, Caremerge Seniors living in today’s structured communities are participating in a relatively recent trend, and the culture of these housing options is still evolving. In the early 1980s, the newly popular consumer-centered approach to senior housing quickly segmented to meet the needs of folks with different physical and financial Read More…